Member since: March 2, 2009

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J. C. is a 64-year-old male from Camden, London and rural Kent in the United Kingdom.

A life-long love of words and enjoyment of word puzzles/games (and Sudoku puzzles) have brought me here, on the recommendation of a good friend. I'm a true Scrabble addict. Being a writer I find these activities really help increase one's vocabulary and keep the mind sharper as one grows older. I do the Sudoku puzzles in the newspapers when I can and also enjoy the Babble owner's 'Iron Sudoku' site. Babble has really improved my Scrabble and other word game skills. It's nice to enjoy the challenge of these puzzles while engaging in interesting, pleasant, fun conversation with all the decent and friendly people here. I've met some lovely members, and encountered others who inspire me to share two of my all-time favourite quotations...

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it; but in the end, there it is". - Winston Churchill
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein